Dark Takadanobaba

This unusually dark set was taken during a location scouting in Takadanobaba. This area is well known for being a univerisity-student area, one of the busiest train stations in the world, and also Osamu Tezuka’s neighborhood (Astroboy’s legendary illustrator).

My relationship with this area is close, as I have been commuting and passing it since my first days in Tokyo. I have also been often around it’s bars and shooting OG skaters and friends several times, it’s textures and buildings have always had a special atmosphere to me.

During this walk, my aim was to show a different point of view of an area that’s often downplayed for being old or out of fashion compared to other central and busy areas like Ginza or Minato. Although at the end, the client (a local brand) refused to use the location for shooting for this very same reason. While these images have been sitting down in my drive for quite a while, perhaps it was time to share them with the world.

Enjoy the hidden 70’s side of Tokyo.

Takadanobaba in the Map:


Sakura : Spring Snow


Osaka : The Old Town