Noize (Collab Research)

Noize is an upcoming tool to realistically recreate analogue noise in digital images, in a way that mimics as closest as possible the way it appeared in film photography. The project is led by my friend Alvaro Arregui from Nuevo.Tokyo, and of course I jumped it at the very first time he asked me to collaborate. While these images are not yet using the still researched tool, they were taken as a behind the scenes and a portrait session along with the parallel mission of comparing films recorded on a 16mm soviet cinematography camera and a Black Magic camera.

Model: Nodoka Muta, professional dancer and instructor

Collaboration with Yusuke Hata & Alvaro Arregui


NOIZE 16mm Film Grade & Grain

NOIZE - Film Grain Emulator WORK IN PROGRESS Preview Version BY - with @yusukehata & @AlexAbian

SHOT ON Blackmagic BMPCC 4K & Kodak Vision 3 200T with on Krasnogorsk-3

MUSIC @thrupencemusic

DANCER Nodoka Muta



Shunsuke Miyamoto - Barber Life